The software capabilities available at Aecentus allow a wide variety different material models to be considered. Many design scenarios can be represented with sufficient accuracy using isotropic linear-elastic material models, for example metals and polymers (assuming loading is within the elastic range). Other elastic models are used such as orthotropic to model wood and composites.
However, some projects require more sophisticated models for complex materials, when analysing complex non-linear failure, impact, low-cycle fatigue, hardening effects, etc…
- Elastic – plastic material non linearity (e.g. plastic deformation of metals)
- Hyper-elasticity, e.g. rubber
- Visco-elastic behaviour, e.g. modelling time dependant creep behaviour
- isotropic & kinematic hardening
Often material modelling involves an aspect of physical testing to characterise key mechanical and physical properties, for example the recycled polymer samples for structural engineering applications.